Discover how simple and risk-free it is to make a life-changing decision and experience the peace and joy of salvation. Take the first step towards a better future and join millions of others who have embarked on this journey.
Don’t get hung up thinking you must change your evil ways or become a “goody two shoes” to get saved. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is true that when you become saved, you will feel an obligation to live more accepting of Jesus. You feel appreciative when you realize the awesome thing He did for you by taking all of your sins upon Himself.
Jesus doesn’t demand you never sin again because He knows you will. He knows that your nature is to sin; therefore, you could never live a sinless life like He did. He asks you to try your best to follow His example.
Why is salvation low risk?
There is nothing to analyze or contemplate because it comes with no strings attached. It’s all His doing. You don’t have to pay anything for it. He did all the work and promised it was enough to secure your salvation. He either keeps His word or He doesn’t. It’s that simple. All you have to do is agree with Him:
Why is it more essential to accept than believe
People mistakenly think all they have to do is believe. Believing things is easy. Even when we were children, we played “make-believe.” Anyone can believe anything they want. You can believe you won the lottery. Your ticket is the winning ticket. You can believe the money being held for you is your money. But it is not truly yours until you accept it. Then it truly belongs to you. Your acceptance gives you possession of it. If all you have to do is believe, it does you no good if you don’t accept. take advantage of this opportunity today!”
People find it hard to accept if all you have to do is believe.
Even though there is an element of belief in it, it is more vital to accept it. You have to accept what God said. You must owe God to have His opinion instead of boxing Him into your beliefs. When God says He will save you if you accept Jesus, that’s all on Him. “All right, I’ll accept what you say and agree that Jesus’ death takes care of all of my sins if I just accept what you say.” Once you say something like that to Him, the rest is on Him to make good His promise. How much easier could it get than that? It’s His integrity at stake, not yours. He either keeps His word or He doesn’t.
Since salvation is so easy and costs you nothing, I don’t know why people are not lined up to get it! What greater tragedy for a man than not taking something he is offered for free? Why in the world would people stand in line to pay for their sins by employing counselors and psychologists when all they need to do is accept what God said? I know they have a problem accepting what God said, but all they need to do is settle it in their mind: “God said it! That’s all there is to it!” I have decided, and I am certain about it!”
Get saved today with ease! Accept it. You won’t regret this decision, which will change your life forever. You will learn to treasure it later. Remember, it’s just a matter of taking that first step and committing to it! Don’t complicate things unnecessarily. Take action and get it done!
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